Friday, April 22, 2011

SEDUCTION by J. R. LaGreca

SEDUCTION is a mysterious allure, an instinct, which is often indescribable. It moves us in ways we would have never imagined; it’s a chemical reaction, an attraction with melodrama. Once it begins to take hold it often owns us and has a way of changing our thinking process. It is also a caution, and could be used to manipulate us if we allow ourselves to give in to our gut reaction.

What happens when the seducer ends up being the one seduced? There will be a loss of the seducer's edge and then the game is up for grabs. It’s a natural game between the sexes and the process can be manipulated dual-fold. Seduction is the oldest trick women and men use to ensnare each other. Yet it is always magical when it occurs. There is that feeling of being caught off guard, of the person who has caught our attention being from another world, custom made just for us. They are glamorized in our minds above the ordinary, perhaps they are fashioned in our imaginations as the heroine of a romance novel.

In my novel SEDUCTION the effect is not just something that happens between a man and a woman. It is a chain of events that occur with revenge in mind, of a woman seducing her arch rival’s fiancĂ©. This topic takes a new twist. SEDUCTION was many years in the making and now finally it is available on kindle. The first version of this book was titled SEPULCHER which is a grave, but I changed the name because even though the story possesses a spooky quality it would have been misleading. I changed the title to evoke a more edgy feeling since centering a romance around a graveyard is not romantic to most.

My novel SEDUCTION is a compilation of a lot of things. It was the first book I ever wrote which I put aside for many years and then revamped it to modern day. So it has a bit of vintage to it and with that comes an interesting blend of my mindset. Mix my college mind with my married state of mind and I am brought back into my original inspiration with a different twist.

I sometimes think a writer has to seduce readers into wanting to read their book with is apropos for the moment. Having said that I promise you that if you decide to read my book SEDUCTION a surprise awaits you. It will shock you and change the way you think of being seduced again.